Rachel T’s Birth Story
“I can’t tell you how incredibly thankful I am that I had Joanna as my doula. She is amazing. This was my third labor and probably my hardest in some ways so to have her support truly helped me make it through and have a natural birth like I wanted. She was consistently communicating with my nurse and midwife about how I was doing and my needs and wants. If they were being a little pushy about some things Joanna was there to advocate for me and talk through things with me but really let me just keep laboring and helping me listen to my body. It also felt like she brought everyone together as a team and made the environment so positive and calm. She created a trust with how caring and attentive and gentle she was in everything she did. She put me into different positions to help labor progress. She encouraged me to make it through hard parts but also to listen to my body and do what felt right and she would help. She was so encouraging in her words not only to me but my husband as I labored and delivered our sweet baby girl. My husband felt supported as well saying she had my needs, his need and the baby’s needs in mind. The hospital staff also loved her. She brought humor when it was needed, prayer when it was needed and quiet and calm when it was needed. Everyone was thankful for the part she played in making this birth so special.”
- Rachel T.